Jan 24, 2025
There are so many different ways to show up for a friend or loved one in a time of need. You know your people best. And you know what you’re able to offer.
Some people crave quiet time in chaos. Others want some sense of normalcy. And there are some who won’t ask for help or don’t even know what they need right now.
Do what you can and what you know will have a positive impact on the people you’re trying to help. Don’t worry about big gestures or getting it right. Don’t assume silence from them means they’ve got it all figured out.
Chances are, they could use help now more than ever.
And remember, long after the smoke clears, friends and loved ones will still need you. They will continue to benefit from support, love, empathy, and kindness.
Here are just a few ideas of how you can be a help to your friends and loved ones both now and into the future.
Show up
Bring food
Give hugs
Hold babies
Play with kids
Tidy up the place where they’re staying — help organize, find things, find missing items
Stay in touch — keep calling, texting, or leaving voicemails letting them know they’re on your mind
Send money, gift cards, or gift certificates for local services
Open the guest room to them, their belongings, or their pets
Run errands for them
Wash or walk their dog
Help them make phone calls or research things online
Stay awake with the kids while they sleep
Be a shoulder to cry on, an ear for listening, and free hands for laundry, driving, or gathering supplies
All of these things (and so many others) can feel good when offered with love.