Mental health care built for kids, teens, & families

Join the movement to flip the script on youth mental health and support families like never before.

Have questions? Call (888) 224-7332 to speak with a Brightline team member about our services.

You have options. Network providers may offer telehealth and in-office visits. If you see an out-of-network provider, the terms of your plan apply whether you visit in person or virtually.

Mom, dad, and two sons, a tween and kindergartener, smiling and laughing togther

Built for kids and teens, here for you

Working parents and caregivers are more stressed out than ever

Our youth are in crisis and families can’t afford to wait

Teen boy open mouth laughing

Virtual care that works for families, period

Take a look at Brightline's outcomes summary on depression

Brightline supports kids and their families with a range of options — including support from expert behavioral health coaches, to therapy, and support for parents and caregivers, too. And kids who join Brightline are getting better: Families see fewer symptoms of depression and happier children after working with Brightline.

  • 70% of parents or caregivers reported their children’s depression improved significantly, based on the Parent Proxy Report Scale for depression developed by the National Institute of Health

  • 100% of children who participated in Brightline’s 12-session program to treat depression showed improvement based on the Clinical Global Impressions - Improvement scale

Brightline depression outcomes summary

Jul 19, 2022

Fast Company

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It's time for corporate America to address the youth mental health crisis

Jul 13, 2022

MedCity News

MedCity News logo

Northwell pours $10M into Brightline as it, other providers aim to address pediatric mental health crisis

Jul 6, 2022


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InnovationRx: Teens And Mental Health; Plus, 'All-In-One' Vaccine